FEB Unud Students Win First Place in the “National Business Plan Competition Economy Festival 2023” Competition

Indonesian Hosting


CHAMPION OF HOPE 1 – FEB Unud students successfully won first place in the National Business Plan Competition Economy Festival 2023.


Students from the Undergraduate Development Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Udayana University (Unud), namely the Srikandi Team consisting of Anak Agung Made Dinda Riana Dewi, Ni Gusti Ayu Dwi Widyari, and Ni Kadek Ambara Putri succeeded in getting first place in the competition. National Business Plan Competition Economy Festival 2023 which will be held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, which will be held on November 18 2023.

In this competition, the Srikandi Team was accompanied by Ni Ketut Budiningsih, SE, M.Sc, as supervisor. This competition was held by the Student Executive Council of the Faculty of Economics, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The 2023 Economy Festival has the theme “Encourage Creative Thinking & New Business Development” which is carried out with the aim of encouraging creative thinking and new business development to create an inspiring environment, innovation and sustainable growth in a dynamic business world. By focusing efforts on these goals, it is hoped that we can produce better and more efficient solutions to existing problems in the market, identify new opportunities and create products or services that do more than just meet current demands. (sar/jubir-unud)

Source: https://www.unud.ac.id/in/berita-fakultas4041-Juara-harapan-I-Lomba-National-Business-Plan-Competition-Economy-Festival-2023.html

Indonesian Hosting

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